Sweet, sweet singing

I’m listening to my two little chatter bugs talk to each other in their room – they’re supposed to be sleeping.  Nolan’s saying the ABC’s and Lincoln is singing along with him.  The sweet sounds of their little voices melt my heart.  The two of them have become such good pals.  Even when they bicker or get upset or frustrated with one another, they are quick to forgive, forget, and move on.

As we were having an ice cream treat tonight after dinner, I realized how many of the pictures I take are of the boys eating something in their respective places at the table.  As an outsider looking in, one would think the world revolves around our dining space.  With two growing boys, that’s probably not too far from the truth.  🙂

Today was PJ day at preschool, so Nolan wore his Batman pajamas proudly all day.

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