Swallowing air

“I swallowed air to show them how to make farts.” Shecklet #2 explaining to his dad and me why he was extra gassy tonight. 😳

Orthodontic choices

Conversation with Shecklet #1 after his latest ortho appointment:

Shecklet #1: “Guess what color I chose [for my bands] this time?”

Me: “Ummmm.”

Shecklet #1: “Purple, because Lent is coming.” 🙂

I love how our faith even impacts ortho choices <3

A kabob

Shecklet #4 has been asking for a haircut for a while. Our friend/stylist was able to fit her in this afternoon – last minute. She asked for a “kabob” and I don’t have the heart to correct her – to tell her it’s a “bob.” It’s just too cute.

On her own

Not a kid quote per se, but a quote from an aunt about a kid. Jake’s sister sent this to him via text earlier today:

“Before we left for Mom’s that night, [Shecklet #4] slept over. She went back inside right before we left. I didn’t know what she did, she didn’t say anything. She perfectly made the bed and folded up the extra blankets that were out on her bed :)”

Cricket pie

There are some things I just don’t have the heart to correct when my kids say them. When we celebrate my MIL’s birthday each year, we have grasshopper pie for dessert. (Growing up, there were numerous March birthdays in her family, so they got caked-out by the middle of the month, which is when her birthday is.) Shecklet #4 calls is “cricket pie,” which I think is really cute – even at 8 years old.

Too tired

Shecklet #4: “Every morning I wake up too tired to do school.” (sad, whiny toned voice)

Mom: “What do you think we could do to help with that?”

Shecklet #4: “Not do school.” (totally serious toned voice)

Mom: silent giggle while walking down the stairs behind Shecklet #4.

Playing “coronavirus”

The girls were playing Barbies after their schoolwork was done this afternoon. When I peeked in the room to see what they were up to, they pointed out one particular Barbie who had an accessory that could be used as a gaiter, skirt, headband, or a mask, “if you’re playing ‘coronavirus,'” as told to me by Shecklet #4.

Kid quotes – maybe camels

Driving on the interstate a horse trailer with a website indicating Arabians drove past us.

I said, “ohhh, Arabians.”

And from the back seat I immediately hear, “maybe there’s camels.” 🐪

Thank you Disney and Aladdin.

Kid quotes – Licorice stores

Pulling in to the local liquor store, Shecklet #4 says to me, “Licorice stores have suckers for kids.” Apparently she’s been to one before and remembered. I learned this is, in fact, correct while paying for my beverages tonight. (And yes, she said “licorice.” I didn’t correct her because it was too cute.)

Kid Quotes – deodorant

Jake overheard the following conversation this morning.

Shecklet #2 to Shecklet #1 while #1 was in the shower and #2 was brushing his teeth: “Remember the green armpit stuff is mine.  The blue armpit stuff is yours.”

#2 then came down the stairs while smelling his armpits (in an exaggerated fashion) followed by large smiles and a content sounding “aaaahhh.”